Tell ya.. I got to admit, I HATE that collage.. I HATE its empty halls and walls.. and my fellow colleges *as well*, but for few folks, my gang and the breaks ;) ;)
Yet actually, I was thinking of anything but the above, on my way back home.
I only remember I had a sudden shiver all through me, and an eagerness to walk, capturing my every senses.. Un-consciously I gripped my stuff and things, just in a second I was off the bus to a near by station *obviously not mine!*

“Shadows on the hills..
sketch the trees and the daffodils..
catch the breeze and the winter chills..”
When a breeze, I know by heart, filled me in with a unique un-defined, abrupting feeling of unity and vanish.. as light as a feather, swaying to a no-where never-land.
“They would not listen..
they did not know how..
perhaps they’ll listen now..”
In a genuine, cherished moment of harmony and majesty.. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.. *if you’ve ever saw that idiot, holding books and having kinda dirty sneakers.. blah blah.. then.. hehe.. that was ME :D *
I wondered about my all of a sudden “nature love”.. And hunger for liberty to break all rules and chains.. and above all, my sudden belief I am the breeze itself..
“Starry starry night..
flaming flowers that brightly blaze..
swirling clouds in violet haze..
For they could not love you, But still your love was true.”
I remembered your smile and was swept by a flood of wished to start from the childish steps.. dancing on a piano tune or playing hide and seek between the trees..
What a wonderful world this can be, with twinkling eyes, sparkling in the horizons of a day like today..
“They did not listen..
they did not listen still..
perhaps they will never will..”
Thank You ALLAH for all the blessings I have in life.
PS: you can find here the complete lyrics..
Time to go… 73's
o yaaaaa.... ensgam w rawa2an..
w rabena yestor
Welcome to the i-don-wana-be-here-but-somewhere-else zone ( coz i've been here lots n lots of times)..
Actually, i don hate colg that much ( i've finally found a way to adapt)... n as for friends, i blv pne should only take he likes as friends.. it's just not everyone is fits into everybody's personality ...
never heard that song b4 ..
But gotta say, it's one of your best articles yetttt..
so far this is wht I call the perfect discription of Joy n Harmony, y do we not find these places??!! Knowing that I do live nearby the ones u've mentioned??? I guess after all "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder"... Thnx 4 sharing ur cute thoughts with us, but may I ask if this place really exists in Heliopolis???
I dont know the song u mentioned but sure I did hear it later n 'd like to say that itsa Marvel! May u live in this peaceful world u succesfully portrayed in our minds n Best Wishes re-finding this place after ur Exams :)
At last I'd like to record that ur sense of humour is almost hibernating in ur English writings n v remarkable in Arabic ones, isnt that a mystery???!!!
Hope u keep on the high esteem,
urs Sincerely
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