Lets eat till our stomach hurt..
Then dance, lets dance till dawn and more..
Lets laugh till wrinkles in faces appear so clear..
Just stand out and cry till our voices fade..
Then go together, hold on together to the next day’s sunset..
The sun will go, the voices fade.. and pleasure all gone..
Today is a day, tomorrow is another..
Today we are here, tomorrow may not..
desires desires how funny and needy they are but the most wanted desire is to have a matching partner in life.
well, not usually the case..
i mean, at least i know myself,, having a partner is not the thing i need as much as needing the knowlege to know what am i to do in life! who am i am in the sense of questions..
i do not know.. these days i feel everything i think of, no matter how trivial its something valuable and should be written some where....
what if tomorrow you wake up in a different world... what would say you've been here but some of your thoughts living in people's minds..
if they'd ever be..
I like the idea of your idea's living in people's minds, it is a good one.
but knowledge is a different desire and I can't imagine it is equal to finding your love match, may be .
I didn't like the post as much as I liked your comment here. I think you are on the way of real life. Searching for what you wanna do, where you will be alive, is searching for real life, is the way for the fullfilment of our humanity.
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